Introducing Cruzin Cafe!

Aloha Friends,
Go Hawaii Rentals and 808 Mopeds is proud to introduce the Cruzin Cafe built on our property and now open! The Cruzin Cafe will specialize in all Maui Made Products starting with breakfast serving our very own Ka’anapali Maui Grown Coffee and Maui’s #1 Cinnamon Rolls and baked goods including banana and mac nut bread, muffins and much more!!! Now Open from 6:30 am to 9:30 am Monday through Saturday. Looking to stay open from 6:30 am to 5 pm, starting in December, Cruzin Cafe will also be offering Shave Ice and Maui’s first Shake Dogs! Shaka Dogs is an interesting take on old school hot dogs where the bun is toasted from the inside and fully wraps around the hot dogs. All this looking to open by the new year, January 1, 2015… Come by as soon as you can to try out our local Maui goodies in the morning. Mention this blog and receive 20% off your order or a free coffee with the purchase of a moped rental.
Mahalo and see you at the Cruzin Cafe!