You’ve just begun your long-awaited vacation, and might be asking yourself, “what adventure shall we get into next?” It’s possible you’re also suffering from a bit of “analysis paralysis”, simply overwhelmed by the hundreds of brochures in your hotel lobby, boasting fantastic images of all the amazing things you could and should be doing on your trip.
Enjoying Scooters While Vacationing The Safe Way

But if you’ve never taken a scenic route on two wheels, you may be in for a life-changing treat. A feast for the eyes, and memories you won’t soon forget.
The island of Maui is a tropical paradise with curvy, scenic roads that span the length of the island. With unique plant and animal life, dozens of beaches, and the sweetest sunsets you’ll ever see, Maui truly is a sensational treat for the eyes, mind, and spirit.
What better way to see the sights of one of Earth’s finest destinations than with the island breeze blowing through your hair as you ride down the road on a sporty scooter?
Enter 808 Mopeds, one of Maui’s finest moped and scooter rental locations. Here you’ll find both small cc and large cc scooters you can rent hourly or even daily, available in a wide array of configurations and colors.
Whether you’re a solo rider or are with a group, have never ridden a two-wheeled vehicle or have driver’s license amendments enabling you to ride larger cc two-wheeled vehicles, there’s something for everybody at 808 Mopeds.
Explore the Safety Rules and Recommendations Before Riding on a Scooter:
We want both our customers as well as our mopeds to come back in one piece, so we’ve put together this quick list of safety tips to ensure your moped rental experience is a safe and pleasant one.
Wear a Helmet
Different states have different requirements as far as helmets are concerned, but regardless, we still think it’s a pretty good idea to protect your noggin. You’re here to have a great time, not to become a crash statistic. Although helmets are not required by law here when scooting about, we very highly recommend their use, as it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Protecting your skin probably isn’t a bad idea either. It’s easy to hop on a moped in your board shorts and island tee, but longer sleeved shirts and pants and even gloves are probably a good idea, too.
Make Sure You’re Visible
Scooters are smaller and quieter than motorcycles. Wearing brightly-colored clothing and maybe even reflective materials can really help you be seen by other motorists, especially during darker parts of the day. Always try to make yourself as visible to other drivers as possible.
Avoid riding in other vehicles’ blind spots, and remember when following a big truck that if you can’t see the driver’s mirror, they can’t see you.
You may look super cute in your newly-acquired sundress and matching sunglasses, but other drivers are often distracted and accidents can happen at any time. The more you can do to stand out while riding, the safer your rides will be.
Follow the Rules
Always use your turn signal and check your rearview mirror often. It’s okay to pull over and allow faster traffic to pass you if you’re feeling nervous about vehicles following you relatively closely. It’s okay to stick to local, smaller roads till you really get a good feel for the scooter, before hitting larger roadways and more congested streets leading into other parts of the island.
You may also consider taking a defensive driving course. Everyone can use a refresher on traffic laws, and these courses can often be cited retroactively if you are ever issued a ticket. That means that if you ever get ticketed for speeding, your fine or point penalty might be reduced.
It is especially important for scooter and moped riders to drive defensively because you are less protected than the leather-clad motorcyclists on the road.
We want our customers to maximize their safety, so they can in turn maximize their fun while riding 808 Mopeds.
Cheers, and we’ll see you out on the open road!